
Why study Biblical Hebrew?

Martin Luther wrote: The Hebrew language is the best language of all […]. If I were younger, I would want to learn this language, because no one can really understand the Scriptures without it. For although the New Testament is written in Greek, it is full of Hebraisms and Hebrew expressions. IT HAS THEREFORE BEEN APTLY SAID THAT THE HEBREWS DRINK FROM THE SPRING, THE GREEKS FROM THE STREAM THAT FLOWS FROM IT, AND THE LATINS FROM A DOWNSTREAM POOL.


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how long?

3 months; 2 times a week; 1 hour each meeting

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All our faculty members have a Ph.D. in linguistics

Hebrew I

This course assumes no prior knowledge and is the perfect place to start your life-long journey of Biblical Hebrew learning. Hebrew I follows yeshiva’s method.

Hebrew II

Begins exactly where Hebrew I ends. Hebrew II follows yeshiva’s method.

Hebrew III

Begins exactly where Hebrew II ends. Hebrew III follows yeshiva’s method.

Hebrew IV

Begins exactly where Hebrew III ends. Hebrew IV follows yeshiva’s method.

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